“TVO has been paramount to the success of Hard Rock Medical. Over the four seasons their support allowed us to discover the outstanding talent in the North with both cast and crew,” said co-creators Smith Corindia and Derek Diorio.

Facing challenging life circumstances and demanding courses, the students at Hard Rock U will now work through their fourth year of offbeat medical training. A big question remains:  Who has the determination and resilience to earn the coveted White Coat? Canadian icon Eric Peterson joins the already stellar ensemble cast of Canadian actors including Patrick McKenna, Angela Asher, Jamie Spilchuk, Tamara Duarte, and Northern Ontario favourite Stéphane Paquette.

Key storylines of this final season will follow the continuing trials and tribulations of Hard Rock’s beloved Northern Ontario medical students. After donating bone marrow to Mylo, Eva convalesces at home on the Rez. A judge orders Gary into reconciliation classes with a racist cop. Charlie struggles to keep it all together as his wife undergoes chemo treatments and his family is forced to move into his father’s home. Gina and Melanie are placed with an elderly doctor (Eric Peterson) who has a drug dependency and a healthy dislike of their youthful energy. The death of a friend and lover sets Cameron off on a self-destructive path. And Nancy and Farida are seconded to pediatrics in the North Bay hospital – while both of them work to carefully define the line between caring and over-sharing.

Co-created by Smith Corindia and Derek Diorio, Hard Rock Medical is produced by Distinct Features.  The series is filmed entirely in Northern Ontario.

Hard Rock Medical repeats Fridays at 7 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. beginning January 5, and Sundays at 8 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. beginning January 7.