
Accessibility plan update

As part of our ongoing commitment to accessibility and inclusion, TVO Media Education Group (TVO) has made significant strides in implementing the Accessibility Plan. Our efforts are rooted in our education mandate and the unique opportunity we have to provide content that is accessible to all Ontarians and members of the Canadian broadcasting system.

Key Highlights:

TVO Accessibility Plan 2023 outlines our roadmap to improve accessibility, in accordance with the Accessible Canada Act, 2019, and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.

Our procurement policy has been updated to reflect accessibility obligations, ensuring that accessibility criteria and features are included in procurement processes.

Training on the requirements of the accessibility standards and the Human Rights Code has been provided to all employees.

TVO has implemented training plans for leadership and staff, focusing on diversity and inclusion, and has worked on removing bias in recruitment and onboarding processes.

We have established a feedback process to monitor and improve our services, and we welcome comments to help us continue our progress.

With our broadcast license renewal, TVO now provides described video for programming broadcast between 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. (prime time), seven days a week.  TVO currently averages 85 hours of described video per week.

Moving Forward:

We will continue to monitor our progress, review our accessibility measures, and adjust as needed to ensure continuous improvement.

Our next steps include the publication of the second report by June 1, 2025.

We remain dedicated to removing barriers and providing equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities to engage with our content and services.

For inquiries or feedback regarding TVO’s Accessibility Plan, please reach out to us through the accessibility feedback process.

May 2024