This win is no small feat: TeachOntario rose to the top from 100 nominations submitted by a variety of other public organizations across Canada. Most importantly, the award is a testament to the dedication of Ontario’s teachers who are working together to make classroom learning even better. This is a win for Ontario’s teachers.

As the Province’s partner for digital learning inside and outside the classroom, TVO is well positioned to offer a solution to teachers wanting to connect with fellow educators across Ontario. Since 2014, TVO has been hard at work alongside our partners in education to make TeachOntario a reality. This burgeoning social network boasts an ever-expanding community of teachers and educators from Windsor to Moosonee, demonstrating that teachers are actively connecting, sharing and collaborating with the goal of elevating our kids’ in-class experience.

When kids are learning, we all win. And I’m proud of the role TVO is playing to support teachers in helping our kids succeed in the classroom and ultimately, beyond.