TVO’s high-quality, in-depth current affairs journalism will now expand with the help of a generous donation from The Barry and Laurie Green Family Charitable Trust and Goldie Feldman. Announced last night at the seventh annual TVO Gala, TVO will receive $2 million to support Ontario Hubs, with $500,000 additional funds to be raised by TVO. Ontario Hubs add relevant local context to current affairs analysis of complex issues that matter to our communities, our province, and our world.
”Ontario Hubs have enabled us to add more regional context to TVO’s journalism; and perhaps more importantly, the initiative has ignited meaningful province-wide conversation on important issues”, says Lisa de Wilde, TVO Chief Executive Officer. “Over the past year, the momentum for this project has grown significantly. We are truly proud of the impact Ontario Hubs make in strengthening citizen engagement and democracy.”
Ontario Hubs launched in 2017 with the support of an initial $2 million gift from Barry and Laurie Green and Goldie Feldman, one of the largest Canadian gifts ever made in support of journalism. Backed by this funding, and working from four established hubs in Thunder Bay, London, Sudbury and Kingston, a network of on-the-ground TVO journalists now offer a critical voice to communities that are increasingly under-represented in current affairs analysis.
“We are grateful for the confidence Barry and Laurie Green have placed in TVO and for their vision to help extend our current affairs journalism to more Ontario communities”, says Lisa de Wilde. “This newly announced gift will help to ensure Ontario Hubs can continue to bring focus to issues that are locally and provincially relevant. A portion of the funding will be used to amplify Indigenous stories and perspectives.“
“Our family values the type of in-depth journalism TVO provides. We believe that balanced, respectful and informed current affairs can help to connect communities across the province”, says Barry Green. “With this gift, we hope to foster a greater understanding of Indigenous communities while continuing the work of existing Ontario Hubs. Through this initiative, TVO has proven to be fiscally disciplined. We hope to inspire others to make a greater difference by supporting TVO.”
With Ontario Hubs, TVO also enables tomorrow’s journalists to get their start today. The initiative includes a number of partnerships and intern programs with Ontario colleges and universities like Confederation College, Western University, Laurentian University and Queen’s University.
All existing videos and articles related to Ontario Hubs regional current affairs journalism can be found at