Policies & Standards

Visitors' policy & emergency evacuation info

TVO is committed to creating and maintaining a welcoming atmosphere at its workplaces while recognizing the importance of proper regard being given to maintaining a safe, healthy, and secure workplace for all those who enter it.

Information guidelines

The purpose of this policy is:

  • To detail the protocol for visitors attending at the TVO facility at 2180 Yonge Street (“Building”), and
  • To detail the responsibilities of TVO staff in respect of such visitors.

Definition of a visitor

A visitor is any person who is not a current employee or contractor of TVO.

Operating procedures

Visitor sign-in protocol

All visitors, regardless of the reason they are visiting or the anticipated duration of the visit, are to be recorded in the Visitors’ Logbook.  The entry into the Visitors’ Log shall contain the full name of the visitor, identify the organization they represent (if any), the name of the TVO employee or contractor they are visiting (“TVO host”), and the date and time of their arrival. Separate entries are to be made for each individual visitor, even if they are from the same organization and are visiting the same TVO host.

After the visitor has been recorded in the Visitors’ Log, he or she will receive a visitor badge which must be worn and visible at all times when in the Building.

The TVO host is responsible for ensuring that each visitor has been entered into the Visitors’ Log and has received a visitor badge before permitting the visitor access to the Building. It is the responsibility of the TVO host to ensure that the visitor pass is returned to the service desk.

Visitors to the Building will enter through the reception area, on the 5th Floor. For the William G. Davis Studio, it is the responsibility of the TVO host to ensure that all Guests are accounted for in case of an emergency. 

The Visitors’ Logbook is located at the Main reception on the 5th floor.

Personal protective equipment for visitors

All visitors must, use and wear personal protective equipment in the Building.

Visitor sign-out protocol

At the conclusion of the visit, the visitor will be escorted back to the reception area by the TVO host. The visitor will return the visitors badge to reception staff/TVO host. The date & time of the visitor’s departure and the return of the visitor badge are to be recorded in the Visitors’ Log.

Emergency evacuation

In case of an emergency, an audible alarm will sound indicating either a 1st stage “stand-by” or a 2nd stage “evacuation”.

In the event of an emergency requiring the Building to be evacuated, visitors and contractors are to be accompanied by their TVO host to the designated emergency location meeting area, as established in the Emergency Response & Evacuation Program.

The audible alarms are identified by:

First Stage (stand-by) slow, intermittent tone

  • Go to the nearest fire exit and wait for further instructions.
  • Either the slow intermittent alarm will stop, or it will advance to 2nd stage.

Second Stage (evacuate) fast, pulsing tone

  • Evacuate building immediately using stairwells only. Do not use the elevators.
  • Before opening any doors, test the door and door handle for heat. If the stairwell is safe, take the stairs to the ground floor.

If the visitor requires assistance to exit, the TVO host, being familiar with TVO’s emergency evacuation procedures, will assist in escorting the visitor to the nearest exit and will notify the nearest warden in the event of an emergency.

Responsibility of: Vice President, Finance & Corporate Services

Revised: November 17, 2022

Next review date: December 2023