Policies & Standards
Accessibility plan (2014 Update)
Policies and procedures
- Create Policy with Statement of Organizational Commitment in written form and make available to the public
Update: Completed and posted on-line - Available in Alternative Formats - upon request
Update: Available upon request
Legislated Date: 2013
Accessibility plan - multi-year
- Accessibility Plan in consultation with persons with disabilities and AAC (Accessibility Advisory Committee) if established
Update: On-going - Accessibility Plans with annual updates - Post to website
Update: Updated for 2014 and posted on line - Provide in alternative format upon request (Available upon request)
Update: Available upon request - Review every 5 years
Update: To be reviewed in 2017
Legislated Date: 2013
Procuring or acquiring goods or services
Include accessibility design, criteria and features in procurement processes.
Update: Procurement Policy updated to reflect accessibility obligations. RFP documents updated to include language around accessibility as required.
Legislated Date: 2013
Provide training on the requirements of the accessibility standards and on the Human Rights Code as it pertains to persons with disabilities to all employees & volunteers, policy developers, those providing goods or services on behalf of organization.
Update: Training rolled out to all employees and completed in January 2014. New employees complete the training as part of TVO's onboarding process
Legislated Date: 2014
Emergency procedure/plans
Make available to public.
Update: Emergency procedure included as part of Visitors' Policy and posted on-line.
Legislated Date: 2012
Feedback process
- Develop feedback processes for persons raising concerns regarding accessibility (Feedback process developed and posted on-line.)
Update: Feedback process developed and posted on-line. - Provide in accessible format upon request
Update: To be provided upon request.
Legislated Date: 2014
Accessible formats and communication supports upon request
Update: Statement included on our feedback form and on website that feedback processes are provided in accessible formats and with communication support upon requests
Legislated Date: 2015
Accessible websites
- All new websites and new web content going through a significant change; WCAG 2.0 Level A (other than closed captions, live, pre-recorded audio) (Legislated Date: 2014)
Update: Created Web Accessibility Standards document to comply with WCAG 2.0 Level A - Summer 2013. Completed Web Developer Accessibility training - Summer 2013. Performed audit/gap analysis for accessibility of TVO websites - Summer 2013 - All websites and web content WCAG 2.0 Level AA (Legislated Date: 2021)
Update: On-going. Websites will be AODA compliant with the refresh of TVO.org and TVOKids.com. Creating closed captioning and described videos for all videos that will be migrated to new websites - Provide educational resources or materials in accessible format (if notification of need is given) (Legislated Date: 2021)
Update: ILC provides various accommodations through the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and special accommodations for GED Testing. ILC textbooks are produced in accessible formats. Supplementary materials that are not currently in accessible formats are being replaced on an ongoing basis. - Provide student records and information on program requirements in accessible format (if notification of need is given) (Legislated Date: 2013)
Update: Provided upon request - Train educators on accessibility awareness related to accessible program or course delivery and instruction (Legislated Date: 2013)
Update: All ILC educators have been trained on AODA ILC policies and on Understanding Web Accessibility through on-line training provided by the Inclusive Design Research Centre (IDRC) at OCAD University. All Homework Help Tutors undergo AODA training.
Employment standards
- Workplace Emergency Response Process (Legislated Date: 2012)
Update: Emergency Response and Evacuation Program developed and posted on intranet - Recruitment - notify employees and public regarding availability of accommodation
Update: Recruitment pages on TVO website have been updated to include availability of accommodation - Notify applicant - availability of accommodation upon request for assessments or selection process
Update: Statements regarding availability of accommodation have been included on all applicable documents throughout the hiring process - Inform employees of policies regarding job accommodations
Update: TVO's website, job postings and offer letters contain job accommodation information - Accessible formats and communication supports available to perform job
Update: Provided upon request - Written process for development of Documented Individual Accessibility Plans
Update: Talent & Engagement works with line management and employee to determine and document Individual Accessibility Plans - Have a Return to Work Process
Update: Talent & Engagement works with disability management provider, line management and employee to determine and document appropriate return to work and accommodation requirements for individuals - Performance Management takes into account accessibility needs
Update: On-going - Career Development and Advancement Process takes into account accessibility needs
Update: On-going - Redeployment process takes into account accessibility needs
Update: On-going